My Future Job

 When I was 14 I was very clear abou what do I want to study: Political Science. So in High School I only prepared to give a great PSU (entrance test to university), even I didn't know which university do I wanted to go (I only thought in the UDP at that time). But the final day where they gave us the results I figured what to do: enter to study at U. de Chile and of course, the new career of Political Science. 

I've never questioned myself in which area I would like to work, I'm really not interested in thinking about that even today. I have to figure it out. But what really know, is that I like everything or every work that is related to politics, because since I was really joung I had like this topic and is a way of life for me. 

Probably I would like to work in the government, because It's a stable career and think that I can make changes from there. I like topics of National Defense, International Relations, Internal Affairs or even the regional Government, It would be nice a work in one of that areas in the government, but it doesn't mean that I would be unhappy in other administrations. 

An important thing to me is that i would like to work in the Araucania Region, where I would live soon in some years. A work in the regional government, the city hall in a comune near Temuco would be nice to me. 

By other side, I would like to have a private consultory in which I could relate to some parties and polititians, asesorating them or helping with some projects in the government. I would like to have a bussiness like that with friends. 

Finally, I wouldn't like to be an academic or proffessor, but it wouldn't bother me if I work for a time in that field if I got more academics degrees and experiences.

Finally, I'm not really thinking about a job right know, is something that I have to figure it when I finish my career. The only thing that I know, is that I don't mind if I'm working as a secretary or a teacher, but if is related with politics I'm happy. 


  1. Hello my chap
    In the future we're going to work together giving advice politicians... I swear.
    I trust in your abilities and don't worry about a job now.

    Best regards my king <3

  2. Hello brother.
    I hope that in the future you achieve your goals I know that wherever you work you will be a great professional.


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