A photo that I like


When I was in 12th Grade in School I participated in Theater classes. With the cast (called Contratiempo Drama Clu) we act a play that we wrote in dramaturgic classes, called "Mientras Tanto". It was about a series of different situations that happened at the same time in differents parts of the world. All of them were crudes, sometimes made you laugh with black humor and that gave you a weird felling about it, because while you were sat there watching the play, the situations acted in there were probably happening in real life in others parts of the world (like in the story of the play).
With this play, we were selectioned to go to an international theatre festival called VQV (Vamos que venimos) in Argentina. In October of 2018 we traveled to the other side of The Andes to participate in VQV. I was very impressed and happy, because it was really amazing to visit Argentina and meet a lot of people who where actors too and from many other countries. 
Up in the picture, I was with the cast and our teacher, Pablo, in "Centro Cultural Recoleta" in Buenos Aires. I don't remember who took the picture, but it is really beautiful, because it bring me many  good memories of that days. 


  1. Aww, you seem very young in the photo, now you look like someone with 30 jsjsjsjs greetings friend


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